Topic Progress:

Before talking about lawsuits and insurance claims, it is helpful to understand several important statistics about pet ownership.  Specifically, we will cover the number of pets in the U.S and the annual costs of dog bites.  This information will put the discussion about lawsuits and insurance coverage in a new perspective.

We will cover a lot of number and statistics about dog bites, but don’t worry.  We will make sure you have the essential information you need to complete this module.

According to the American Veterinary Medical Association 2012 Pet Ownership and Demographic Source Book, the numbers of companion animals in the U.S. are as follows:[i]

  • Over 43 million households own nearly 70 million dogs.
  • Over 36 million households own over 74 million cats.
  • Over 3.6 million households own about 8.3 million birds.
  • Over 1.7 million households own nearly 5 million horses.

There are also millions of other specialty and exotic pets such as fish, ferrets, rodents, snakes, etc., throughout the country as well.

More statistical data can be found at the American Veterinary Medical Association website at

Now let’s look at dog bite cases alone.

Do not forget, however, significant injuries and property damage can be caused by pets and animals other than dogs.

This is important:  Keep in mind that the studies show that over 43 million households own nearly 70 million dogs.

According to DogsBite.Org, as well as data collected by the American Veterinarian Medical Association and governmental sources, human deaths related to dog attacks and bites for the past 10 years are as follows:

  • 2016 (through October) 26 deaths
  • 2015    24 deaths
  • 2014    42 deaths
  • 2013    32 deaths
  • 2012    38 deaths
  • 2011    31 deaths
  • 2010    33 deaths
  • 2009    32 deaths
  • 2008    23 deaths
  • 2007    35 deaths
  • 2006    30 deaths

These statistics do not count attacks and bites that occurred and lead to significant injury.  Those number are just attacks that ended in a person’s death.

This is important: The Centers for Disease Control and the American Veterinarian Medical Association, approximately 4.7 million people are bitten by dogs each year.[ii]

Of those people bitten, over 800,000 will require medical attention.  Injuries sustained include, but are not limited to, infections, open wounds, and broken bones.[iii]

Additionally, in 2012, more than 27,000 people needed reconstructive surgery because of dog bites.[iv]

In 2014 that number in increased to about 28,500.[v]  The number remained about the same in 2015.[vi]

A report by the American Veterinary Medical Association also found that from 1993 to 2008 people hospitalized because of dog bites in the U.S. increased over 86 percent.[vii]

According to the Insurance Information Institute statistics published in 2016, “dog bites and other dog-related injuries accounted for more than one-third of all home owners’ insurance liability claim dollars paid out in 2015, costing more than $570 million.”[viii]

This is important: In 2015, dog related injuries accounted for one third of all home owners’ insurance claim costing more than $570 million.

As we discuss in the medical care and bite prevention Module, many dog bites and incidents leading to insurance claim are preventable.

Lawsuits and insurance claims are made because many dog bites cause serious injuries. These injuries require costly medical treatment as well as pain and suffering.

[i] American Veterinary Medical Association 2012 U.S. Pet Ownership and Demographic Source Book
[ii] Journal American Veterinary Medical Association, February 1, 2011;
[iii] Journal American Veterinary Medical Association, February 1, 2011;
[iv] DogsBite.Org/dog-bite-statistics; American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 2013
[v] May 2015
[vi] 2015 Plastic Surgery Statistics Report by the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 2015
[vii] Journal American Veterinary Medical Association, February 1, 2011;
[viii] Dog Bite Liability by Insurance Information Institute, 2016